I have a good friend in Michigan, Mary Holbrook. Earlier this week, her brother Jared got in a bad car accident and has been fighting hard in the hospital ever since. HE seemed to be getting better all week, and then last night they were told that he probably wasn't going to make it. I just want to lift up the Holbrook family and everyone who is being affected by this tragedy with this post. I have been praying all week for them, and I am asking for everyone reading this to be praying for the family as well.
Death is a part of life, no one can escape the physical death. God has had the time of our death decided since before we were even conceived, so it is never a shock to Him.(Psalm 139:16) He also knows exactly what is going to come as a result of the death, and you can be assured that it will somehow bring glory to Him. Everything that God does and everything that happens in this earth will somehow bring glory to God, no matter how it may appear on the surface.
And I only met Jared like once, and so I really don't know him personally, but Mary has been keeping everyone updated on how he has been doing, and I can say with certainty that this accident has already brought God immense glory. I have seen Mary holding together very well through all this, trusting in God with everything. This may have been one of her first real hard times, where she could have either given in to the world and began to curse God for letting this happen, but instead this has drawn her closer to him. She knows that God is big enough to comfort her every fear and sorrow, and He has kept her joyful through it all, finding ways to rejoice amidst the pain. Only a God that truly loves us could make that happen.
But beyond that, Jared decided to be an organ donor, so that by his passing, numerous others might have life once again. He has enabled families in the same situation as the Holbrooks come out of it and be restored. Jared's sacrifice is not in vain, but he will continue to live on in the families of the organ recipients, in the hearts of everyone who knew him, and in the arms of our God in Heaven, where there is no more pain and no more sadness.
Life is precious, and we are never guaranteed to live to see tomorrow. But let this accident just put that into perspective for everyone, to know that God is in control of everything and that we shouldn't wait to get to know Him, because His love is worth more than everything in this world. And I just want everyone reading this to be in constant prayer for the Holbrook family, to make it through this hard time with their heads held high, knowing that God is in control, always. Be praying for their comfort as they mourn, and be praying that they will all just grow closer to God as a result of this.